The Google Hardware event is still a few months away and the company is expected to unveil its Pixel 3, Pixel 3 XL smartphones at the event. Ahead of the launch, some reports of the upcoming Google flagship devices have surfaced online, reaffirming rumours that the Pixel 3 XL might feature a notch on top of its display. As per the well-known tipster on Weibo, Ice Universe, LG will again be making the display panel for Pixel 3 and the Pixel 3 XL and it is said to be an OLED panel with a notch on top, similar to LG’s recently launched LG G7 ThinQ smartphone, reports XDA Developers. In separate reports, both Bloomberg and WinFuture state that the upcoming Google Pixel 3 smartphones will be designed completely in-house and manufactured by Foxconn, which is renowned for manufacturing Apple smartphones. First off, some previous rumours and reports have already tipped at the presence of a notch on the bigger Google Pixel 3 XL. With native notch support on Android P, the news of Google following the trend and going with a notch is not much of a surprise. The new report by Ice Universe iterates the same and additionally states that the larger 2018 Pixel phone could also cost more this time around as an OLED panel with the notch can cost up to 25 percent more as compared to a standard OLED panel. Coming over to the second report of Google handing over Pixel 3 production to contract manufacturer Foxconn, WinFuture claims that a subsidiary of Foxconn, FIH Mobile, has been assigned the task of manufacturing the next Pixel flagship handsets. Last year, Google acquired HTC engineers for the task and seems like Google is aiming for total control over the design of the upcoming smartphones. Citing a source close to the supply chain, the report states that the “top model” Pixel 3 XL is listed as the “Google GB1” and it is said to come equipped with “new display hardware,” which could be a reference to the ‘notched’ display. The smaller Pixel 3 is reportedly listed as “Google GC1”. The Bloomberg report shares some design characteristics of the two Pixel phones. The Pixel 3XL is said to be the larger variant with a “nearly edge-to-edge” display with a notch on top, but with a notch on the bottom chin to house the front-facing speakers. The smaller Pixel 3 is said to feature a standard display with an 18:9 display aspect ratio, without a notch. The notch on the Pixel 3XL is said to be smaller, yet taller than the one seen on the iPhone X. It could mean that the notch could cut more into the display, but this is currently a speculation. It could feature dual front-facing cameras and Google might stick with a single rear camera. Cover image credits: Phone Designer
from Latest Technology News
Thursday, May 31, 2018
Google Pixel 3 XL reportedly being manufactured by Foxconn, said to feature notched OLED display made by LG
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